KONSTFACK  Degree Exhibition 2010
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Thursday May 20 - Sunday May 30, 2010
Monday-Friday 12am – 7pm, Saturday-Sunday 12am – 4pm

Maria Libert

How many people is there space for in a partner relationship? It can easily get crowded and even more easily empty and desolate. The archetypal animals, the three small boyfriends and the group of dogs try as hard as they can to find the answer, by testing different constellations.

Hur många människor får plats i en parrelation? Det blir lätt trångt, och ännu lättare tomt och ödsligt. Urdjuren, de tre små pojkvännerna och hundgruppen försöker ta reda på svaret så gott det går, genom att pröva på olika konstellationer.

Year of birth: 1987
Place of birth: Uppsala, Sweden
Contact: maria_libert@hotmail.com
Phone: + 46 (0) 704 055 672
Website: www.marialibert.com

Graphic Design and Illustration