KONSTFACK  Degree Exhibition 2010
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Thursday May 20 - Sunday May 30, 2010
Monday-Friday 12am – 7pm, Saturday-Sunday 12am – 4pm


Elias Kautsky

A landscape has been cast up into the air and caught in the image of a moment. Sediment stratified during a prolonged period of time is broken down, and unknown species of rock from the interior of the earth come to the surface. Sombre snows settle at the foot of the mountain and are illuminated by flickering flashes of lightning. Far off, a rumbling horizon about to open up.

I have created a line of clothing with its origins in landscape and rock species.

Ett landskap slungas upp i luften och fångas i en ögonblicksbild. Sediment lagrade under lång tid bryts sönder, och okända bergarter från jordens inre kommer upp till ytan. En mörk snö lägger sig vid bergets fot, som lyses upp av flimrande blixtar. Långt bort, en mullrande horisont på väg att öppna sig.

Jag har skapat en serie kläder med utgångspunkt i landskap och bergarter.

Year of birth: 1987
Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Contact: eliaskautsky@hotmail.com
Phone: + 46 (0) 737 749 505
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